Monday, January 7, 2008

CASA Holiday Party, 12-20-07

Contributing Writer: Nancy Kelley

An energetic and cheerful group of CASA volunteers, Friends of CASA board members, Washtenaw County CASA supervisors, and supporters gathered to share some holiday cheer and exchange some very interesting gifts!

Yummy home-cooked cookies were only topped by "re-gifted" items distributed through the white elephant gift exchange.

All started calmly until the "Winter Cactus" potted plant was opened - a real treasure - which, after receiving many "oohs and aaahhhs" was stolen/exchanged several times until the final gift was gifted. I believe the real treasure of the evening had to be the "re-gifted" pair of earrings that blinked and sparkled and required batteries!

The evening proved to be a great opportunity for a group of people who share a strong passion for serving the foster children of Washtenaw County to share some time together, get to know one another, and support our common cause.

I'm already looking forward to the 2008 CASA Holiday White Elephant Gift Exchange!


Contributing Writer: Ava Adler

Here is a sampling of the delicious food brought in by the guests: Broccoli salad, potato salad, fresh-baked oatmeal chocolate chip and white chocolate chip cookies, and candy made of pretzels, "hugs", and M&Ms.

We exchanged gifts and played a grab bag game where each new person could "steal" gifts previously picked. Gifts included a pair of ornament earrings that light up, a black Nine West purse, a clock with picture holders, matching glasses with red trim, a pin which included a red feather in its design, and a Christmas cactus plant. The clock, the plant, and the purse exchanged hands.

Finally, party guests played a fun game called "Catch Phrase."


Contributing Writer: Marianne Clauw

I thought a memorable series of moments were Nancy K. and Gini H. trying to teach the rest of [the party guests] "Catch Phrase," and the concept of tossing the game controller to the other team - sort of a hot potato concept.

We were definitely slow learners, and kept punching all the wrong buttons and messing up the game. But Gini and Nancy persevered.


Please check out the CASA Holiday Party photo album (located at the right column of this blog) and video snippets of the party at the CASAWashtenaw YouTube Channel.

Do you have questions or comments regarding the CASA Holiday Party? Please click on the "Comments" link below and tell us what you think!

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